K-9 Keg Pull – February 26

K-9 Keg Pull – February 26

2023 K-9 Keg Pull Join us on February 26 from 11-1 for the 2023 K-9 Keg Pull! This event is part of the Sandpoint Winter Carnival and is sponsored by Eichardts, EzyDog, and Selkirk Press. All proceeds from the event benefit Better Together Animal Alliance. Here are a...
Pets For Life

Pets For Life

Pets For Life (PFL) is a Humane Society of the US-funded program for animal shelters that provides animal-welfare resources to underserved communities. BTAA offers PFL for Ponderay, Kootenai, and Clark Fork. Watch this video and see the BTAA team conduct a pop-up...
Beyond Sheltering: The Loki Story

Beyond Sheltering: The Loki Story

Loki was brought to Panhandle Animal Shelter with a broken leg. PAS veterinarian – Dr. Emily – was not able to save his leg and was forced to amputate. Loki has since been adopted and is now helping humans with disabilities. Panhandle Animal Shelter-BTAA goes...